Local sightings
Return to the list of reportsMay 2010
- 1st
- A Grey Wagtail was in song at Southington House.
- 2nd
- The first Muslin Moth of the year was in a trap that held little but water!
- 3rd
- A Shuttle-shaped Dart was the next 'tick' for 2010 mothing. Mum Kingfisher (right) remained busy with her ever-expanding brood.
- 4th
- A Cormorant moved north-east over the village early evening. Dad Kingfisher was the one to be caught out 'shopping' today.
- 5th
- A light frost started the day. A Chiffchaff continued to sing off Bridge Street.
- 6th
- A Cockchafer, Swallow Prominent and Double-striped Pug were all new for the year in the latest overnight mothing. It remained very busy at the Polhampton nest tunnel.
- 7th
- A Buzzard was over the village latish afternoon.
- 8th
- A Fox was seen by Ramblers, Sapley Lane not long before midnight, this time of 'day' also producing the first Poplar Hawk-moth of the year.
- 9th
- Five Gadwall moved east over Town Meadow late morning when a Swift was over the northern part of the village.
- 10th
- Lime Hawk-moth, Flame Shoulder, The Shears and a Dagger sp. were all new on the mothing front.

"I saw Kingfishers take 12 fish into the nest at these times today: 11:19, 11:32, 11:43, 11:47, 11:51, 11:56, 13:16, 14:02, 14:05, 14:13, 14:30 and 14:45. I think there are 6 young; 6 fish in 35 minutes"
- 11th
- A male Sparrowhawk tried to make the most of a seemingly easy meal, landing on an occupied, by House Sparrows, birdbox just seconds after the 'owner' entered it.
- 12th
- A noticable frost with minus temperatures noted well into the morning. Yellow Flag were blooming in Flashetts while Holly Blue added further colour in Station Hill. Buzzard, Gadwall and Song Thrush (right) were among other things noted while waiting for the Kingfisher to reappear at Polhampton.
- 13th
- A female Bullfinch was seen to eat dandelion seeds on a village lawn.
- 14th
- A Pale Tussock clinging to the outside of a moth trap was the first of the year locally. A Badger was the latest roadkill at Berrydown. Further signs of spring were becoming apparent at Polhampton.
- 15th
- Chocolate Tip was another addition for 2010 while a pair of Gadwall was now apparent at Polhampton. (Right)
- 16th
- Nut-tree Tussock was yet another new moth for the year while a Two-spot Ladybird was seen in a Station Hill garden.
- 18st
- A Grey Heron was pursued by Jackdaw over the village early morning. 115+ immature water boatmen were attracted to a moth trap, as was a Poplar Hawk-moth. In woodland on the outskirts of the village other stirrings were noted!
- 19st
- A Red Kite, two Swift and House Martin were noted on the wing late afternoon. The first mayfly of the year, 13, appeared at a moth trap whereas more and more of the local fish population disappeared!
- 20st
- Two Swift and three House Martin were seen over the village, Treble Lines and Buff-tip also being on the wing while Twenty-plume Moth and Poplar Kitten were found on the deck.

- 21st
- Two Red-legged Partridge were roadside at Berrydown early morning.
- 22nd
- A Firecrest was reported from Flashetts, possibly the first for the Parish.
- 23rd
- A moth trap in Woodlands held a few moths but of more note were 1410+ 'bugs' that had moved in overnight.
- 24th
- There was no sign of the previously reported Flashetts Firecrest, though female Grey Wagtail, male Great Spotted Woodpecker and Treecreeper were recorded there. Three Swift, Linnet and House Martin were noted overhead. The Chiffchaff continued its seemingly lonely territorial claims off Bridge Street. Vine's Rustic was new for 2010 in a moth trap where many 'bugs' were again drawn in by the light.
- 25th
- 600+ 'bugs', woodlouse, several caddis and mayfly were all drawn to one moth trap.
- 26th
- The first Buff Ermine, White Ermine, Poplar Grey and Common Swift for 2010 appeared overnight, further rain later in the day.
- 27th
- as well as the Kingfisher at Polhampton being busy with young, other waterbirds had also produced progeny; the picture on the right showing one of the younger Moorhen present.
- 28th
- A Light Brocade was an unexpected addition for the year, five Pale Tussock in the same 'box' also being notable.
- 29th
- Two 16-spot Ladybird in Station Hill accompanied cut flowers into a house! Shoulder-striped Wainscot became the latest mothing addition. A Sparrowhawk circling north-east at 21:17 was a very late sighting in the day for this species.
- 30th
- Blue Tit were busy feeding young in a Station Hill nestbox. Red Twin-spot Carpet was new for the year.
- 31st
- A singing Skylark drifted south-west over the village. Scalloped Hazel and Ingrailed Clay were further new moths for the village this year. Chaffinch were among the local birds to be seen with fledged young. (Right)

Contributors: James K. Andrews, Alison Hutchins, Bryher Hutchins, Jay Hutchins, Peter E. Hutchins, Margaret Rainford, & Alan Willis.
All photographs in this Monthly Wildlife Summary are courtesy of Alan Willis, unless otherwise noted