Local sightings
Return to the list of reportsJune 2009
- 1st
the first Elephant Hawk-moth of the year appeared in Woodlands, as did Light Brocade, while Pale Tussock, Treble-lines and The Nutmeg were other notable attendees to the overnight light.
- 3rd
- Monkshood were in flower at The Lynch.
Right: Monkshood, Aconitum napellus - The only site in the parish for this naturalised species
- 4th
- up to two Red Kite were seen over the eastern part of the village by midday. Clouded-bordered Brindle, Vine's Rustic and Common Pug were new for 'trapping' in Woodlands. Several Painted Ladies were still to be found on the wing, these now however 'settled' rather than moving rapidly northwards.
- 5th
- Fox and Cubs was in flower in several Pound Road front gardens. A Bullfinch was heard in Two Gate Meadow. Varied Coronet and Celypha striana were the first of the year in to be recorded in Woodlands.
- 7th
- the Society's afternoon walk about The Vyne saw 16 attending, 45 species of bird recorded that included Red Kite, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker, two Fox and a buck Roe Deer watched from the hide overlooking the watermeadows where a pair of Little Ringed Plover was joined by Shelduck, Redshank, Lapwing and Grey Heron. The adjacent Morgaston Wood held singing Willow Warbler, Blackcap and Chiffchaff, the main lake broods of Mute Swan, Canada Goose, Coot and Mallard and the only pair of Great Crested Grebe in the Borough. Invertebrates seen included Tortoise Beetle, Nemaphora degeerella, Red-eyed Damselfly, Speckled and Dark Bush-crickets, Harlequin Ladybird, Scorpion Fly and both Oak Tree and Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix. Closer to home, a Red Kite circled / drifted over the village late morning and a Buzzard was over the road to Lower Whitehill.
- 8th
- 12+ Canada Geese headed west well after dusk.
- 9th
- a Red Kite moved over Kerchers Field. Two Small Magpies were found in Mede Close — moths not birds ;-). Several Goldcrest continued to sing and hold territories in conifers about the village. Both Privet and Poplar Hawk-moths visited a moth-light in Woodlands overnight.
- 10th
- a Red Kite drifted south-west over the village late morning. A singing Whitethroat north of Northington Farm, found during the RSPB / OBS evening walk, was the first noted in the Parish this year, excluding an 'import' to HART from The Wallops. Three orchid were in flower in the orchard off Southington Lane, where the pools attracted at least 16 Gadwall and three Tufted Duck to roost. Large Yellow Underwing and Small Magpie were new for the year in Woodlands 'trapping', several of the latter also being seen elsewhere within the village, as was another 'first of the year' Yellow Shell. Further evidence of Woodpigeon breeding was found, discarded egg shells being located in Waltham Road, Mede Close and Papermakers.
- 11th
Fox and Cubs continued to be found in further sites about the more built-up parts of the village. Brown Rustic and Heart and Club were newly attracted to light in Woodlands while a Speckled Wood there appeared lost! Red Spider Mite were noted on several properties in Nightingale Rise / Waltham Road. A flock of 29 Starling low over Woodlands showed the gradual increase in both fledged birds and the expected post-breeding 'get together'. Small Dusty Wave became the newest moth noted attracted to housing lights.
Right: Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria (Photo: Peter E. Hutchins) - This one already showing signs of being attacked by a bird
- 12th
- a further Privet Hawk-moth was found, again attracted to light. An immature Robin was in Papermakers. A Thick-legged Beetle was in Winchester Road. Field Bindweed was flowering in The Green. A House Sparrow nest was removed from a roof during work in Battens Avenue, five eggs being present.
- 13th
- late morning saw a Red Kite, three Buzzard and a Kestrel over Waltham Road, 'enjoying' the warm weather and thermals; the former lingering into the early afternoon. New moths continued to appear, Dark Arches and Garden Grass-veneer to light and Pyrausta aurata at garden herbs.
- 14th
- a Red Kite passed northwards over Woodlands. Two Harlequin Ladybird were on the southern edge of North Field. Orange Footman became the latest addition to mothing, an Angle Shades also being of note. Other garden invertebrates noted on another fine day included Drone Fly. A Sparrowhawk ensured that local Starling were not allowed the luxury of a Sunday lie-in.
- 16th
- Orange Footman again appeared in a moth catch, as did two further beetle sp., an Ilybius sp. and Scolytidae sp.
- 17th
- immature Blackbirds were evident in Woodlands gardens early evening, seemingly not worried by the showers dropping the temperature down.
- 18th
- Peppered Moth was new for the trapping year. Young Dunnock replaced the Blackbirds of the previous day.
- 21st
- a Red Kite was seen over Waltham Road with this, or another, over Rotten Hill later in the day.
- 22nd
- a Red Kite drifted northwards over the High Street early afternoon. Several Painted Lady were noted in gardens on the southern side of the village. Two Harlequin and 14 Two-spot Ladybird were seen in the allotments off Kingsclere Road. Four Buzzard circled over Pond Close late morning. A Grey Tortrix was the first of the year attracted to overnight lighting. Further Fox and Cubs was found flowering in / about gardens.
- 23rd
- both Beautiful Hook-tip and Smoky Wainscot were new for the year in Woodlands while Garden Grass-veneer showed a dramatic increase in the numbers attracted to light.
- 24th
a Stoat / Weasel was seen running across Southington Lane. A Meadow Brown was in St. Mary's Churchyard early morning, the first recorded this year. In flower at the same site were Large Thyme, Broad-leaved Willowherb, Nipplewort, Common Clary, Honeysuckle and Yellow Loosestrife. Three spikes of Straw Foxglove were flowering near Quidhampton Mill. Beautiful Golden Y, Marbled White Spot, The Miller, The Uncertain and The Snout were all new for 2009 in mothing. A possible third brood of Blackbirds was almost ready to leave the nest in Southington.
Right: The Lappet, Gastopacha quercifolia (Photo: Peter E. Hutchis)
- 26th
- 20+ Swallow were about Lower Whitehill, the largest gathering within the Parish to date, there also being ten+ Pied Wagtail about the farm / stables.
- 27th
- the day started with heavy misting, the first for many weeks.
- 28th
- a Red Kite circled north-east over the village early afternoon.
- 29th
- a White Admiral was seen to cross the road close to Nutley Copse. A Red Kite was again over Waltham Road.
- 30th
- a vocal Spotted Flycatcher was seen at Court Farm House, the first in the Parish this year of this ever-decreasing species. Another first for the year was an above ground Mole, unfortunately it did not survive long enough to reach the safe confines of HART. New for the year in mothing were The Lappet, Willow Beauty, Green Pug and three 'micros'.
Contributors: Jane Beckmann, Alison Hutchins, Bryher Hutchins, Jay Hutchins, Peter E. Hutchins, Veronique Kerguelen, Jane MacKenzie, & Adam Trickett.