Local sightings
Return to the list of reportsJune 2014
- 1st
an Eyed Hawk-moth was seen in the Community Orchard. Continued House Martin surveying saw perhaps as many as 19 nests on Overton Hill residences; the second discrete 'colony' found in the village this year. Several of both Red Kite and Buzzard were seen over the village where several Chiffchaff continued to sing and Fox and Cubs was in flower on the eastern outskirts of Overton Hill.
Right: Eyed Hawk-moth, Smerinthus ocellatus
- 2nd
- two Harlequin Ladybird were come across in the Kingsclere Road allotments. A much cooler evening with some rain falling.
- 3rd
- a Little Egret was on the floods off Burley lane at midday.
- 4th
- both rain and hail fell from early evening. Swift were regularly being seen, and heard, about Foxdown.
- 5th
- Small Teasel were in bloom off Station Hill. A Red Kite was over the Kingsclere Road / The Harrow Way 'crossroads' late afternoon. Further surveying for House Martin in the north of the Parish produced no further good news.
- 6th
- early morning saw just 5.7°C recorded, the lowest temperature of the month. A little later a Green Woodpecker visited Woodlands verges.
- 7th
- a 2-spot Ladybird was in a Greyhound Lane garden.
- 8th
- a Hummingbird Hawk-moth visited a Greyhound Lane garden. Grizzled Skipper was still on the wing at 'The Chalkies' where Common Spotted Orchid were in flower, Solomon's Seal almost so and both Garden Warbler and Chiffchaff in song. A Red Kite was seen over the Edward Kursley Playing Field.
- 9th
- a Cuckoo was heard calling in the vicinity of Station Road — at 04:15! More expected was a Red Kite over the village centre later in the day.
- 12th
- a freshly hatched Cinnabar was found in Foxdown.
- 13th
- eight Glow Worm were seen in the churchyard at St. Mary's. The highest temperature of the month was recorded mid-afternoon — 30.4°C. A Grey Squirrel was seen near Polhampton Stud early morning, making the most of the road in the lighter traffic!
- 14th
the wettest day of the month! Two Mistle Thrush were a little south of Polhampton Stud early morning; the first 'pair' reported within the Parish for quite some time. Yet more Woodpigeon nests were seen to be in the process of being created.
- 15th
- a Louse Fly found on clothing was an unexpected and not appreciated find; in the words of the observer "Yuck!" This may well have been picked up during time at the Community Orchard, where Pyramidal Orchid was in flower. Somewhat more appreciated, colourful and obvious were the Green Woodpecker and Red-legged Partridge seen at the southern end of Winchester Street.
Right: Pyramidal Orchid, Anacamptis pyramidalis — One of the showier of the local orchids, often an even deeper and vibrant purple-pink than this
- 16th
- a Red Kite drifted north at Berrydown late morning.
- 17th
- a Red Kite moved north over the village early afternoon.
- 18th
- both Red Kite and Lesser Black-backed Gull passed low over the village late afternoon.
- 19th
- two Little Egret flew east over the village late afternoon, a Red Kite being low overhead at this time. At least ten Red Kite were at Turrill Hill, attracted in by the bailing of hay.
- 21st
the O.B.S. midsummer and 10th Anniversary event at Little Meadow took place, on an unusually summery afternoon! Ten Glow Worm were seen in St. Mary's churchyard. A Yellow Slug was an unexpected find, sheltering from the warmth of the summer solstice under a flowerpot! Both 14-spot and 10-spot Ladybird were seen in a garden, the former trying their hardest to ensure that there would be more of these aphid-eaters apparent in the not too distant future! Two Red Kite were about fields at Turrill Hill where Meadow Brown, Small Tortoiseshell and Speckled Wood were also seen on the wing. A Goldcrest visited Woodlands gardens.
Right: Yellow Slug, Limax flavus
- 22nd
- two Scarlet Tiger were found in one front garden. A Red Kite was low over the village mid-morning.
- 23rd
- a Scarlet Tiger was again found in a busy front garden, roosting on a eucalyptus. A Little Owl was vocal about hop fields south of the village early evening, a Buzzard gliding over the same area. Ringlet, Large Skipper, Meadow Brown and Small Tortoiseshell were on the wing about hedgerows at Turrill Hill and adjacent fields. Sainfoin and Lucerne were in flower at Turrill Hill whilst Scarlet Pimpernel was seen brightening one alleyway, as were Fox and Cubs. A Yellowhammer was in / on hedgerows flanking Straight Lane during the evening. Rain fell late in the evening, the first for some time.
- 24th
Speckled Wood and Small Tortoiseshell were seen to visit one garden. A Brown Rat was on the Bridge Street bridge mid-afternoon.
- 26th
- a Scarlet Tiger was again found in a not-now-so-busy front garden, seen to be roosting throughout the day — undisturbed by the absent builders! Rain again fell during the evening.
- 27th
- a Sparrowhawk cruised low over the village late yesterday evening. Earlier a visit by the Basingstoke Watch Group to Laverstoke Park Farm saw 10+ Red Kite about Turrill Hill and the road to Southley Farm, a hunting Kestrel and panicking Swallows at Berrydown Farm and 17+ Lesser Black-backed Gull lingering amongst the Middle White, pigs, and Leghorn, chickens, south of Turrill Hill. The track and hedgerow edges there held flowering Sainfoin, Lucerne and Chicory. A Bee Moth was found in one lounge … and yet more rain!
Right: Chicory, Cichorium intybus & mdash; "A somewhat woody, perennial herbaceous plant usually with bright blue flowers, rarely white or pink. Many varieties are cultivated for salad leaves, chicons (blanched buds), or for roots (var. sativum), which are baked, ground, and used as a coffee substitute and additive. It is also grown as a forage crop for livestock. It lives as a wild plant on roadsides in its native Europe, and in North America and Australia, where it has become widely naturalized"
- 28th
- a good number of small mayfly were on the wing in the High Street during the evening. A Yellow Shell was amongst path side vegetation between Dellands Track and Jackson's Copse. Also in the High Street, Common Mallow, Nipplewort, White Dead-nettle, Hedge Parsley and brambles were in flower; Ivy-leaved Toadflax nearby in Red Lion Lane … and yet even more rain!
- 29th
- a larval Puss Moth was an exotic-looking visitant to one garden. A Chiffchaff continued to sing in the Town Meadow area. A Red Kite was seen over Nutley Bottom.
Right: Puss Moth, Cerura vinula — Surely one of the most bizarre looking of British larvae!
- 30th
- the last bird of the month — one of the Blue Peafowl heard calling late evening!
Contributors: David Cluett, Alison Hutchins, Peter E. Hutchins, Doug. Kelson, Veronique Kerguelen, Margaret Rainford, Barry Stalker & Tamsin Williams.