What we do

The O.B.S. organises wildlife-themed events open to all, such as walks around the Milcheldever Spoil Heaps SSSI, moth trapping evenings, bird walks... These events are advertised on posters around the village, in the parish newsletter 'News & Views', and on the 'Events' page of this web site. To receive email notices of upcoming events sign up for our events mailing list (your email address will not be passed on to anyone.)
The O.B.S., and its volunteers endeavour to record and report local biodiversity through monthly sightings updates (wildlife diaries) and surveys (hedgerows, ancient-trees, glow-worm, etc …)
The O.B.S. and its members have also developed for wildlife, a previously unmanaged piece of land owned by the parish, known as Little Meadow, near the cemetery and has developed several nature trails.
The management committee meets approximately once every 6 weeks to review progress on ongoing work and to discuss future projects. Various documents and reports on our activities may be viewed in the library in the village or may be found in our online library. We now have a newsletter too.